Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hank the Tank

In July our dear bulldog, Stella, passed away due to an unexpected heart attack. She was only three.

Our other dear pup, Chloe, the reddish-colored French Mastiff, was heartbroken by the loss of her companion. We were not yet ready for another dog. It was too soon - but as time went by we knew that Chloe needed a companion and that we needed a bulldog in our life (doesn't everybody?).

Hank the Tank joined our family on September 10, 2009.

Hank is a joy to have around. He's NOT a replacement, but he's a great companion. He is so sweet and lovable.

I know not every dog is as lucky as Hank or Chloe, just as every human is not as lucky as we are to have the love of great animals. Please consider rescuing a dog or a puppy. The Mid-Atlantic Bulldog Rescue does good work everyday for bulldogs, a breed that many people do not realize needs a lot of care.

Posting Again

So I have been trying to decide what kind of blog I want to write and I am guessing if I can't decide, this sort of random one makes sense. Right?

Maybe I've had bloggers block for some time. Whatever the case is, I'm back.